The KaizenGallery provides images, plans and a lot of information used by searchers, teachers and students to help them to write and to illustrate their books, theses and monographs. The KaizenGallery 2.1 is linked with Universities, schools and encyclopedias, including Wikipedia,, etc…
1- Encyclopaedia of Islam 3, (Project Manager Dr Morits van den Boogert, updated 2008), Leyden University, Brill edition.
2- “Building Science of Indian Temple Architecture“, Shweta Vardia, Advanced Masters in structural analysis of monuments and historical constructions, Master’s Thesis. Supervisor(s): Dr. PAULO JOSE BRANDAO BARBOSA LOURENCO
Year: 2007 / 2008. Visit the hosting site:, or download the thesis. (KaizenGallery provided a plan of Indian architecture)
3- A superb project: a monograph about Islamic architecture throughout the last 1400 years, with a lot of photos, illustrations, and plans (some of them are provided by the KaizenGallery 2.1). M. Haziq Zulkifli is the Creative Writer (Architecture). He works on behalf of Mr. Azim A. Aziz, Chief Executive Officer. This project is developped by ATSA Architects Sdn Bhd / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Three Samples of the monograph, with kind permission of the author (copyright ATSA-2015):
4- “Sensibilité aux ambiances lumineuses dans l’architecture des grandes demeures husseinites du XVIIIe – début XIXe siècles”, Thèse en vue de l’obtention du Doctorat en «Sciences de l’Architecture », présentée et soutenue publiquement par KAROUI Hind le 09 mars 2012. Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Université de Carthage, Ecole Nationale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de Tunis. Ecole doctorale “Sciences et Ingénieries Architecturales”, Année 2011-2012. Visit the website: HAL Archives ouvertes, or download the thesis. (The plan of the courtyard of Alhambra – Grenade – comes from KaizenGallery 2.1)
5- “L’évolution des éléments architecturaux et architectoniques de la mosquée en vue d’un cadre référentiel de conception. Cas des mosquées historiques de Constantine”, by Melle REDJEM Meriem. Mémoire de Magister – Option Patrimoine architectural, encadré par Dr BOUFENARA khedidja. Soutenu le: 19 juin 2014. Faculté des sciences de la Terre – Département d’architecture. Visit the library of Annaba University, or downmoad the thesis
6- To be continued
Rafael de Tours – Bichon et Gustav Kaizen associés
KaizenGallery – Atelier Rafael, galerie d’art en ligne, atelier d’artiste, tableau contemporain, restauration de tableau, encadrement de tableau, Nice, Cannes, Monaco,Saint Tropez